Saturday, December 3, 2011

Practical shoe string security

Have you ever read an article about people claiming things that should be done or chastising others security and never ran a whole company? Well, I am going to discuss my methods that worked for me. Did I run a whole company?  Yes from the routers to a/v, servers to workstations, and IDS to HIDS. The enviroment was a mix of linux and windows along with as400 which I was one of the programmers on. It sounds like a lot for a single person to maintain for a 200 person company,  but with practicle understanding of what you need you can manage this. To help make this understandable I will break this up into sections like a book.

1.) Logging (collecting and a
2.) Antivirus
3.) IDS / HIDS
4.) Email and malware analysis
5.) Remote management
6.) Trouble shooting

I am sure that I will talk about lots of other relevant topics and will edit this page as it all progresses.

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